Friday, March 23, 2007

Links Explanation

I won't go into much detail about the individual links, but I'd like to hit up the categories just for general info.

St. Louis
General links about things to do or learn about in St. Louis. This includes, but is not limited to music, culture, events, educational opportunities, and other cool stuff.

Dude Links
Stuff that will appeal to red meat-eating men.

Practical Theology
What does that mean? Well, it can mean a lot of things. Links here will center on culturally relevant issues of theology, topics that can be acted on (instead of just talked about), and general cultural engagement. Theology is supposed to be meaningful and transformational. Sample topics include Church Planting, Missional Outreach, Men's Apologetics (some overlap with "Dude Links"), or relationship issues.

Soldier Support
This is pretty self explanatory. In today's world of frequent deployments, fractured families, and high levels of stress, soldiers are being neglected by the government, the church, and in all reality, everyone else too. These links are intended to be helpful for soldiers and their families who have been or are deployed, dealing with that inevitability, or anything in between. For those of you who are cake-eaters (civilians), this will be a great opportunity for you to see and understand the path of soldier-warriors.

One link of particular importance to this topic is here. Covenant Professor of Systematic Theology Anthony Bradley and student-veteran Jason Glover started a non-profit organization to actively support deployed St. Louis veterans and their families. Please visit their website in support of their heroic efforts to change what many refuse to acknowledge.

That's all I got for now. Thank you for reading, and if you have any recommendations for the above categories, I'd love to hear them.

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